10.05.2021 • 

Stars are the beautiful, bright lights that we see when we look up at the night sky, All though we've all gazed at them, do you know what stars are actually made of? It
turns out that stars are surprisingly similar to the sun, Stars come in many different
shapes, sizes, temperatures, colors and distances from Earth. Stars form in clusters
called galaxies. Errors in this paragraph Earths sun and stars are a part of a galaxy called the Milky Way, The
Milky Way is a spiral-shaped galaxy that has billions of stars and planets within it,
The next closest spiral-shaped galaxy is billions off miles away
Like humans, stars have lifespans. They are born in large clouds of dust and gas. This
large cloud is called a nebula. Over billions of years, stars grow in size and age,
Eventually, stars die, but they go through this process very different depending on
their size. Small stars die quietly without any large reactions. Big stars, on the other
hand, explode sudden. This explosion is so large that the area shines brighter then
the surrounding stars for an extended period of time. This explosion is called a

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