02.03.2020 • 

Step 1: Read these TWO articles for this lesson. (One is a BIOGRAGPHY and one is an AUTOBIOGRAPHY)

#1 BIOGRAPHY: From the Encyclopedia Britannica biography:
Benjamin Solomon Carson was born on Sept. 18, 1951, in Detroit, Michigan. His parents divorced when he was eight, and he lived with his mother and brother first in Boston and then back in Detroit. He was a poor academic student in elementary school until his mother began to limit his television watching and had him read two books a week and write book reports.In 2008, Pres. George W. Bush awarded Carson the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 2009 a movie about Carson's life, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story premiered on television. Carson was the author of an autobiography, Gifted Hands (1990), written with Cecil Murphey, as well as several motivational books.In 1983 Carson moved to Perth, Australia, to work as a chief neurosurgery resident at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. After a year spent gaining experience, he returned to Johns Hopkins, where he was named director of pediatric neurosurgery. There he earned a reputation for dealing with difficult cases using advanced surgical methods. In 1985 he performed his first successful hemispherectomy, a procedure that removes part of the brain in order to control chronic seizures. He also became known for his work separating conjoined twins, in 1987 completing the first successful separation of craniopagus twins (joined at the head).

Step 2: Complete this Text Comparison Chart: This is the first part of your assignment that you will be graded on. Now that you have read the two articles about Dr. Carson, complete the compare and contrast graphic organizer below using information from these two texts. You will compare and contrast the following: Focus, Detail, Language, Tone and Message. **SuperHero Tip: Use the image from lesson below the chart to help you review! Biography Think about: focus, detail, language, tone, message
Autobiography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Differences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Similarities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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