21.10.2020 • 

still recall, too, going into the large darkened parlor to see my brother, and finding the casket, mirrors, and pictures all draped in white, and my father seated by his side. pale and immovable. As he took no notice of me after standing a long while, I climbed upon his ee, when he mechanically put his arm about me and, my head resting against his beating heart, we both satin silence, he thinking of the wreck of all his hopes in the loss of a dear son, and I wondering what could be sad or done to fill the void in his breast. O Stanton's memory of her brother's funeral is still fresh in her mind. O Stanton develops a need to please her father during childhood. O Stanton decides she must work to discover the Chuse of her brother's death. O Stanton's relationship with her father is stronger than that of her sisters. Save and Exit Next Submit

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