26.02.2021 • 

Study the advertisement below and answer the set questions, Im
Full of
Omega 3 & 6
seed goodness
Flora is made from seed oil.
Seeds are high in essential fats,
Omega 3 and 6, which are
good for your heart.
1. Who is the advertisement aimed at? Give a reason for your
2. Discuss how the picture used in the advertisement supports
each of the following claims:
(a) 'Full of Omega 3 & 6 seed goodness.
(b) 'Seeds are high in essential fats Omega 3 & 6, which are
good for your heart.
3. How is the slogan, 'LOVE YOUR HEART', meant to influence
the reader?
4. Does the advertisement tempt you to buy the product?
Give a reason for your answer.

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