14.04.2021 • 

Summarize Informational Texts A

Directions: Choose ALL the correct answers.
Which two sentences best show ideas that are important to include in a summary of this piece?
Preparing for an Audition
It is important to understand that preparation is the key
to standing out at an audition. Actors and dancers must
learn about the part they will be auditioning for prior to
attending the audition. They must also practice lines and
dance moves. Sometimes, they will practice in front of
friends and family to get feedback about how they can
improve before they actually have to try out in front of the
Oftentimes, an audition has several rounds. In the first
round, directors might have pairs of actors or large groups
of dancers perform together. This is because they are
looking for the people who can best bring the characters
and scenes to life. They also want to see if the actors and
dancers can learn new lines or steps quickly. After the first
round, many people are told they did not get the part and
the group will become smaller. There can be several more
rounds that follow. In each round more actors and dancers
are sent home. Many, now famous, performers have been
told they did not get a part. The important thing to
They must also practice lines and dance moves.
It is important to understand that preparation is the key to standing out at an
The important thing to remember is that they kept trying!
Oftentimes, an audition has several rounds. .
They also want to see if the actors and dancers can leam new lines or steps
25 Ancorar
Seccion Timer: 14-04
Seccion Score: 500 11/21
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