22.01.2021 • 

Take a look at "The Indian Pilgrimage of Martin Luther King, Jr." In some ways, the "Untouchables" in India and African-American citizens in the South lived under similar conditions. Drag five examples of this into the box. Males slept out of doors every night

droppable item This item belongs in the chart
Children asked to sit and play separately

droppable itemThis item belongs in the chart
Discriminated against through affirmative action

droppable itemThis item belongs in the chart
Lived in huts with no water for washing

droppable itemThis item belongs in the chart
Violations of social customs punished by lynchings

droppable itemThis item belongs in the chart
Subjected to humiliating treatment

droppable itemThis item belongs in the chart
Had separate living spaces

droppable item This item belongs in the chart
Allowed only to practice passive resistance

droppable item This item belongs in the chart
Not allowed to drink water from the same taps as others

droppable item This item belongs in the chart what ones do i drag

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