22.01.2021 • 

Team Tryouts Steve Dawson
'Tonight was the final evening of tryouts for the Hornets high school baseball team. Practice was finished, and the boys rested on the metal dugout
bench listening to Coach Ippolito. He thanked everyone for coming out playing hard, and making this year's tryouts the most challenging yet for the
coaching staff, one filled with difficult decisions. So many enthusiastic players," Coach Ippolito explained. an overabundance of athletic talent.
2David Carwile surreptitiously glanced at the other candidates out of the corner of his eye, wondering which ones would make the team. Tryouts
were simple: Some players would make the team, while others would be cut David hoped that he would be one of the fortunate ones. As Coach
Ippolito talked, David mentally evaluated his performance: In all three facets of the game-hitting. fielding, and pitching-he thought he had done
well. "An impressive performance, if I do say so myself, David thought to himself. He fielded flawlessly, hit the ball exceptionally hard, and loudly
popped the catcher's mitt with his fastball.
SMy assistant coaches and I have a system, Coach Ippolito explained, which we have utilized for every tryout since I've been the head coach." He
reached inside his battered satchel and produced a stack of envelopes. "Each of you will receive an envelope, which you can open immediately or
wait until you are at home. Inside you'll find one of two messages: either a short note of congratulations for making the team or a brief
acknowledgement of your effort and an apology from the coaching staff for not having enough spaces on the team to accommodate everyone.
After receiving his envelope, opening it and stuffing it into his equipment bag, David rustled up his things, grabbed his bat, and walked with his
friend Jonathan to the parking lot. Ahead David could see his father waiting patiently for him as he heard the rip of Jonathan s envelope and then
the rustling of paper as he pulled out the letter. Shoot!" Jonathan exclaimed, with disappointment in his voice. As they continued walking, David
racked his brain for something to say, it seemed like he should say something, but he could not think of anything appropriate. Finally he awkwardly
stammered, "I'm sorry
SJonathan shrugged, responding. I'm glad for you that you made the team- it's quite an accomplishment. As David listened to Jonathan-the
disappointment had vanished from his voice and he sounded genuinely delighted in his friends good fortune-he wondered silently if he would
have felt the same way had the situation been reversed.
6As David rode home with his father, he described Jonathan's reaction about failing to make the team and his own realization that if their positions
had been reversed, he could not be certain that he would have handled the situation with such dignity. "Your friend Jonathan was being generous,
David s father explained to him, "and generosity is a sign of good character-it comes with maturity. Dr. Carwile was a philosophy professor at the
local university, and it did not take much for him to start a long lecture on virtue, morals, or character. As their conversation continued, David felt
better about himself and realized that, at last, he could finally revel in his accomplishment of making the baseball team.
in what way could this fictional story relate to the real world?
The story shows the corruption found in team sports today
The story may help someone cut from a team feel some comfort
The story demonstrates how cruel and callous some coaches can be
The story shows that Jealousy can sometimes have positive effects.

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