08.09.2021 • 

Test Yourself 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1.How long did you stay...Biratnagar? (for, at, in)
2.I've known him a long time. (since, for)
3.It gets very cold……winter. (in, on)
4 Kalpana is waiting for you the bus stop. (in, on, at)
5.Kim met me first…….a party. (at, on, from)
6. I'm good…….tennis. (in, at)
7.My birthday's…….May. (in, on)
8.Our school is……the end of the street on the left. (in, on, at)
9.Please sit…….. the sofa. (among, inside, on)
10. I will return this book the end of this month. (in, on, at)
11. Put a stamp…..the envelope. (in, on, at)
12.Sabnam left school 2004.(in, on, at)
13. Nitesh was embarrassed because everybody was laughing.….him. (on, at)
14 She suffers a heart disease. (from, on)
15 I'll see you ten o'clock. (on, at)
16 Shilpa was dressed green head foot. (in, from, to)
17. The old man lives ……….a beautiful farm. (on, in, within)
18 Snow generally falls February (in, on)
19. I'm leaving ……..the morning, not in the evening. (in, on, at)
20 Sony is sitting ………… Anu and Jiya. (among, between)

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