19.08.2021 • 

The beginning of the term is difficult for a lot of students. Sometimes you have to put in more effort than you had expected. You’re on your way to earning Bs in most of your classes. However, one class is more difficult than you thought it would be, even though you’ve attended every class session. It’s been difficult to keep up with all your assignments and you were late on one of your writing assignments. You’ve been in class for a while. You know there are four writing assignments due and that they make up 25% of your grade. You also know late submissions are not accepted. Now that you have a better understanding of what’s expected of you, you’re doing better. In fact, someone even asked you to tutor her for an upcoming quiz. Your instructor calls you in for office hours to tell you she’s proud of the progress you’ve made. She also tells you that if you keep up the good work you’ll finish the course with a high C. How do you feel?

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