27.11.2019 • 

“[the boy] took his money from his pouch and showed it to the young man. the owner of the bar came over and looked, as well. the two men exchanged some words in arabic, and the bar owner seemed irritated.

‘let’s get out of here,’ said the new arrival. ‘he wants us to leave.’

the boy was relieved. he got up to pay the bill, but the owner grabbed him and began to speak to him in an angry stream of words. the boy was strong and wanted to retaliate, but he was in a foreign country. his new friend pushed the owner aside, and pulled the boy outside with him. ‘he wanted your money,’ he said. ‘tangier is not like the rest of africa. this is a port, and every port has its thieves.’

the boy trusted his new friend.”

which of the following is true?

this passage may foreshadow a developing external conflict: character versus society.

the two men understand arabic, but the boy does not. this is an example of foreshadowing.

the bar owner and the boy are foil characters; this may foreshadow the boy’s future relationships.

this passage may foreshadow a crime.

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