16.04.2021 • 

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander - Warm up and Rule #1 Symbolism and the Extended Metaphor
A symbol is something that stands for both itself and something else
Kwame Alexander uses the game of basketball as a symbol for life
When a symbol is extended over a longer piece of text, it can be an extended metaphor. Remember that a metaphor compares two unrelated things and connects them.

Organization of Book:
Warm up
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter

If the organization is a symbol of life, what would the “warm up” part of the “game” be in Josh’s life? Provide a paragraph response. Capitalize, revise spelling errors, and edit before submission.

Basketball Rule #1
“In this game of life, your family is the court and the ball is your heart. No matter how good you are, no matter how down you get, always leave your heart on the court.”

This is an analogy. Explain its deeper meaning in 2-3 complete sentences. Capitalize, revise spelling errors, and edit before submission.

How does this rule connect/relate to the plot? Bullet point.
How does this rule connect/relate to the characters? Bullet point.
Bullet point two (2) direct quotes that support your answers to question 3 and 4
Example: “Direct quote” (p. 12)

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