15.12.2020 • 

The first consideration that needs to be made when thinking about the beneficial nature of textbooks is how easy it is to use a tablet to access digital materials like a books, resources, and other learning tools. Furthermore, school
districts no longer need to consider how they will budget for new textbooks at the time when the information
becomes outdated. Instead, digital platforms are more easily updated when new and more relevant materials
become available. The use of digital texts in the classroom makes for less printing of physical textbooks and a broader
range of access to the types of materials that can be used for learning.
However, there are some considerations that may cause some to question the benefits of using tablets. One major
factor that is often debated is the financial burden of purchasing tablets. While this is a steep financial investment for
districts to take, it is an investment. Investments can be risky. Ultimately, the goal of an investment is the return it
provides. In this case, the return is the opportunity to transform the way students learn and to also prepare them for
college and career readiness in a digital world. Additionally, it is important to note that many school districts invest in
refurbished tablets and allow students the option to bring their own devices.

The first consideration that needs to be made when thinking about the beneficial nature of textbook

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