28.12.2019 • 

The following is an excerpt from arthur young's treatise on enclosure- "respecting open field lands, the quantity of labour in them is not comparable to that of enclosures; for, not to speak of the great numbers of men that in enclosed countries are constantly employed in winter in hedging and ditching, what comparison can there be between the open field system of one half or a third of the lands being in fallow, receiving only three ploughing; and the same portion now tilled four, five, or six times by midsummer, then sown with turnips, those hand-hoed twice, and then drawn by hand, and carted to stalls for beasts; or else hurdled out in portions for fattening sheep! what a scarcity of employment in one case, what a variety in the other! "based on this passage, it is reasonable to conclude that young believed that

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