08.12.2019 • 

The following question refers to "an indian's views of indian affairs":
which paragraph do you think can best influence the audience's reaction to the chief?
"i know that my race must change. we cannot hold our own with white men as we are. we ask only an even chance to live as other men live. we ask to be
recognized as men. we ask that the same law shall work alike on all men. if the indian breaks the law, punish him by the law. if the white man breaks the
law, punish him also."

"for this time the indian race is waiting and praying. i hope that no more groans of wounded men and women will ever go to the ear of the great spirit chief
above and that all people may be one people."

"let me be a free man - free to travel free to stop, free to work, free to trade wherd choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of
my fathers, free to think and talk and act for myself - and i will obey every law or submit to the penalty."

i only ask of the government to be treated as all other men are treated. if i cannot go to my own home, let me have a home in some country where my
people will not die so "

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