15.10.2020 • 

THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE COMMOMLIT 4. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the
answer to Part A?
it took place in Harlem,
w the movement
notes on what events led
O A "Most found jobs as farm laborers - doing essentially
the same work they had done as slaves, but now for a
meager wage." ( Paragraph 2)
OB “The governments of southern states ignored the
hardships of the African American community and
continued to care mainly about white citizens." (
Paragraph 2)
OC "in the early 1900s African Americans began moving
north where they could find better paid jobs working in
city factories instead of on farms." ( Paragraph 3)
D “These immigrants, often former slaves as well, also
faced discrimination and oppression in their home
countries." Paragraph 3)

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