14.12.2020 • 

The Mississippi River The Mississippi River is the third longest river in the United States. Its headwaters begin in Minnesota, and after flowing south over
2.300 miles through ten states, it empties into the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans.
The Mississippi serves as a commercial highway. Cargo, such as grains and oil, is transported up and down the river. In addition to
moving resources, the Mississippi also deposits rich soil that makes the land along the banks ideal for farming.
The Mississippi has several tributaries, the most notable being the Missouri River from the west and the Ohio River from the east. The
Mississippi is divided into four regions: its headwaters, the upper, middle, and lower Mississippi. The Lower Mississippi, the river south of Cairo.
Illinois, is wide and muddy, as the Mississippi is joined by the Ohio River. It is this section of the river that has established the Mississippi as an
American icon, filled with images of steamboats, adventure, and blues music. It is difficult to imagine the Mississippi without being reminded of
figures from U.S. history and culture, such as explorers Lewis and Clark, author Mark Twain, and musician Muddy Waters.
The Rio Grande
-Which inference about rivers is supported by the passages?
O 1. Rivers are an unreliable source of drinking water.
O2. Rivers are critical in sustaining the economies of an area.
3. Rivers are essential to transport cargo across the country.
O 4. Rivers begin above sea level and empty into the Gulf of Mexico.

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