06.11.2020 • 

The rules on comparison of adjectives. The same rules apply for adverbs. Write C if the comparison is correctly expressed. If it is not, revise the italicized expression.

1. Of the three I like this shirt better.

2. When all the point were counted, Elvie had than less.

3. He worked harder than anybody else.

4. We were asked to write at the most soon possible time.

5. He was the latest to submit his report.

6. Being absent from class is worst than being late.

7. Of the two speakers, the second spoke least convincingly.

8. The line she drew is more straight than that done by her sister.

9. Among the members of the family, she has been given the best opportunities for

10. She spends more extravagantly than the rest of her classmate.

11. He arrived more sooner than expected.

12. This work of art is the most perfectly done.

13. The sick boy is feeling a little better now.

14. Of all the group members, he done the most worst.

15. She does her work industriously than her sister.

16. The nurse spoke more softly to the patient.

17. He works harder than any of us.

18. His cousin works hardest than anyone else.

19. She walked farthest away

20. The answer she gave were more completely given this time.

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