02.03.2021 • 

THEME ESSAY For the essay, you will choose from one of the theme choices below or
decide on a universal theme of your own for which to write an analysis.
Find pieces of evidence (passages) from Night that would prove the theme
(claim) to be "true" Find as many as you can so that when it comes time to write,
you have 3 to 5 excellent pieces of evidence.
Create an outline of what you will cover (your analysis should be 5-7 paragraphs
including an introduction and conclusion)
Create your first draft (Handwritten or typed)
REVISE/PROOFREAD your first draft.
Why isn't
Type your final draft in MLA format.
Theme Choices:
Family can sustain
a person during a
In a time of crisis, a
person becomes
Self protection can
make a person lose
his/her morals
Fear causes a
person to become
Tragedy can cause
someone to lose
Body Paragraph Example:
Elie was not the only character that experienced thoughts of selfishness due to the
extreme conditions the Jews were being subject to. In fact, some Jews actually acted on
these thoughts of selfishness. On the journey to Buchenwald, one boy's starvation
caused him to kill his father who called out, "Moir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize
me... You're killing your father...I have bread for you too...for you too..." (101)
Because of the crisis known as starvation, this boy became so selfish that he took his
own father's life after a piece of bread was thrown into their wagon. This is a prime
example of how extreme distress can cause a person to think only of oneself,

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