03.01.2021 • 

There are certain activities that require extreme physical exertion and controlled breathing. Swimming, running, singing, and yoga are some of these activities. They require great lung capacity. There are several ways to increase the efficiency of our lungs. Breathing is the only autonomic function over which we also have conscious control. To understand the right way to breathe, watch a baby resting on his/her back. The baby's belly swells like a balloon when it inhales, and deflates when it exhales. There is a steady rhythm to its breathing. By following this deep and relaxing breathing technique ten times every morning the capacity to hold one's breath will increase significantly. Choose the best possible summary from the following answer choices.
Human beings have forgotten the right way to breathe. It is only by watching a baby breathe can human beings return to their original form of breathing and learn how to relax.
Some physical activities that require physical exertion demand greater lung capacity. By practicing deep breathing every day, a person can increase his or her lung capacity greatly.
The secret of increasing one's lung capacity lies in watching a baby breathe. When the abdomen swells and deflates like a balloon, accurate breathing can be achieved.
Swimming, running, singing, and yoga are the only exercises that help increase lung capacity. These exercises should be done ten times each morning to feel stronger and healthier.

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