01.05.2021 • 

This essay assignment determines whether "How to Poison the Earth" or "Chronicles of Ice" is more effective in communicating the impact of industrial pollution and its effects on the natural world. Once again, underlying premises need to be established in the opening paragraph before the thesis statement is made. These premises are stated assumptions upon which, for the purpose of the opening paragraph and its position at the head of your essay composition, your comparison and thesis are based.
In order to state a thesis which is the result of making a comparison of how the poets tap into the reader's imagination through the senses, the individual way each poet does this must first be defined separately.

After your introductory lead-in sets general parameters of the topic and identifies titles and authors, define how each author argues in support of her point.

Deal with each essay in separate sentences and clusters of sentences, two or three sentences each.
Comparing what you have defined generates your thesis statement in direct response to the essay assignment prompt in the closing sentences of the paragraph.
Follow it up with a sentence or two expressing the impact on your own thinking about the environmental situation.

Essay assignment prompt:

Upon analyzing and comparing the authors' unique ways of arguing in support of their points, which of the arguments is more effective in reaching you, the reader? Explain why.

Your thesis statement is a direct response, in your own words, to the essay assignment prompt.

Post your opening paragraph with thesis statement, as instructed above, to receive instructor feedback.

Please follow this paragraph with your preliminary five-to-seven paragraph outline here to verify that you made one.

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