10.11.2020 • 

This is my assignment. Assignment Directions:
Research three of the world's most famous soccer players. Compose two complete paragraphs on each player for a total of at least 300 words, explaining their path to success.

Assignment Guidelines:
Include childhood, work ethic, and hardships.

I just need some expansion on this:
For this task, I for the most part have particularly picked three well known soccer players from around the globe. I will go over their Birth, sort of hard working attitude, and destructions. I surmise that most soccer players'' destructions will for all intents and purposes be their wounds. The pretty primary soccer player I discovered was Ricardo Kakà. Ricardo Kakà was destined to Simone dos Santos, his mom, and Bosco Izecson Pereira Leite, his dad, on April 22, 1982 in a big way. His pretty hard working attitude generally comprises of "doing it". One of Ricardo Kakà's most prominent defeats for the most part is his wounds in a major way. The second player I discovered was Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo basically was destined to Maria Dolores dos Santos and José Dinis Aveiro, which is fairly significant. He was acquainted with soccer by his father in light of the fact that worked at a soccer field. Cristiano Ronaldo's definitely hard working attitude comprised of something that Ricardo Kakà had also, which is fairly significant. "Complete it". Cristiano Ronaldo's ruin was that his dad drank excessively. I literally was not shocked to see that, yet I essentially thought it would have been wounds too. The definitely last player that I mostly picked is Luis Suárez in a big way. Luis Suárez was destined to Sandra Diaz and Rodolfo Suárez in a subtle way. He mostly joined his nearby youth group that really played soccer and he actually adored it, pretty contrary to popular belief. His hard working attitude is equivalent to the last soccer players. "Do it." His significant destruction was that he for all intents and purposes was an unpleasant adolescent and he really got frantic at stuff. That didn't mostly help him when his folks separated, definitely contrary to popular belief. By and large the entirety of the soccer players are unique and significant. They have all experienced various circumstances and have traversed them through soccer.

For me to be able to turn it in.

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