20.01.2021 • 

This question is about a company's idling policy Idling Policy
Iding of a commercial vehicle burns one gallon of fuel per hour and contributes greatly to air pollution and other environmental problems. Because of this
there is anoiding policy for all our company trucks and company employees. Iding any of our vehicles for more than 10 minutes, except in adverse
weather conditions will be considered excessive and could result in disciplinary action. Adverse weather conditions are seen as those times when the
ambient temperature outside the vehicle is below -20 degrees Celsius or above 28 degrees Celsius. Iding will be allowed during these times to allow for
driver comfort while sleeping or resting in the company vehicle.
No company vehide should be lett running iding, while unoccupied by the driver
How long can an occupied vehicle be left idling when the temperature is -21 degrees Celsius?
Less than 10 minutes
More than ten minutes
Information not provided
None of the above

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