16.12.2019 • 

i arrive at the hospital before daylight for the beginning of my twelve-hour shift walking through the doors somewhat
distractedly, i think back about how i arrived at this situation in my life. my training as a registered critical care nurse and paramedic
qualifies me for the job. i have the advantage of excellent critical thinking skills and the ability to work with others. i also keep
myself in excellent physical condition so i am capable of doing my job. but i realize that what really brought me here is my
deep desire to people. i am fulfilling my life-long dream of being a member of an elite team of medical personnel called the
advanced cardio life support team
as i head for the unit to check my supplies and equipment for the day. i think about the extensive training that i have been
through. my safety, survival, and flight training are continuous new methods, equipment, and procedures are always just an
the corner. i must keep up to date and prepared
only, i hear my cell phone ring. my adrenaline begins to pump. i have just minutes to be dressed in my flight suit, boots,
dog tags, and helmet, have my equipment in hand, and be loaded on the helicopter and out of here. the pilot already has the bi
under them to jump into my seat. our mission is to pick up a child seriously hurt in a car crash on the interstate
i the pilot watch for other air traffic and power lines as we land on the road that has already been cleared for us
as the pilot settles the copter on the highway, i quickly jump out, move to where emts are working with the chi
with the of emergency personnel, the child is loaded onto our stretcher and gently but swiftly placed in the
copter; and just as hurriedly as we arrived, we take off. as i monitor this child, i say a little prayer for a happy ending
back at the hospital, i resume my duties in the er and wait for the next ring of my phone. yesterday we made s.
how many people will need us today. i am extremely proud of what i do!
monday - read the selection carefully.
1. the subject of this selection is
2. at the top of this page, write a title for this selection.
3. the author's purpose in writing this selection is to inform
4. my purpose in reading this selection is to
5. the genre of this selection is
tuesday - read the selection carefully.
6. a synonym for the best in the selection is
7. a pair of homophones in the selection is
8. circle the prefix in interstate. it means inter
9. an antonym for shallow in the selection is
wednesday - read the selection carefully.
10. the writer of this selection wants to find another job.
o true o false
11. from the selection, i can infer that it takes to have this job. o extensive training
o medical experience o good thinking skills o desire
all of these
12. the selection is written in the first
person point of view.
13. the setting of this selection is a hospital
thursday - read the selection carefully.
14. skim the selection. circle all the words that mean the opposite of slow.
15. underline the idiom in the selection. it means
friday - read the selection carefully.
16. highlight 5-6 key words in the selection. write a 3-4 sentence summary of the selection using your key
words. it is not necessary to use all of your key words. be sure to use correct spelling and punctuation.

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