12.11.2021 • 

Tone Excerpt
Eric was playing basketball in the backyard when his sisters
surrounded him. They badgered him to fix the shelf in their
room that fell down due to the weight of their books. Finally,
after getting annoyed by their constant nagging, he
reluctantly agreed to fix it.
Samantha was in her room when she heard her little brother
crying. She immediately rushed to him, gently wiped his
tears, and asked him what was wrong. He replied that he
had broken his toy. She smiled and comforted him by saying
it would be easy to fix.
The Robinsons decided to go hiking with their children on a
sunny day. The hike would be difficult, but the children were
elated about exploring nature.
The Smiths were enjoying a nice picnic in the park when
suddenly it started raining. They had to rush to pack their
food and cram everything back in their car in a haphazard

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