07.06.2020 • 

Uhh, I'm too lazy to do myself so I need help. Just say if each sentence with the bold word is used correctly For each sentence and ill do the explanation thx. 30 points 1. By questioning the authenticity of the Vermeer painting, Mrs. Carlisle impugned the reputation of the museum director who had purchased it.
2. Anthony's babysitter chastised him for not sharing his stuffed Peppa Pig with his sister.
3. Katherine's derogatory remarks about Jack's pet parrot made Jack beam with pride.
4. "Confront me directly," said Gilbert. "I will not defend myself against anonymous accusations and innuendo."
5. After the debate, the two candidates shook hands, smiled at each other, and exchanged acrimonious remarks.
6. Minna glowed with pleasure whenever invectives were lavished upon her.
7. In one of Aesop's fables, a hare disparages a tortoise's slow speed.
8. Because of her good grades, Stella was reproved and made a class speaker for graduation.
9. Yasuko harassed her little brother by tickling him.
10. Everyone in the neighborhood vilified the driver of the car that caused a fatal accident.

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