23.11.2021 • 

Underline the adjective clauses in the following sentences and highlight the nouns they refer to. Determine if the clause contains essential information or additional information. If the information is additional, set the clause off with commas. a. Only people who speak Russian should apply for the job.
b. Irina, who speaks Russian, applied for the job.
c. Marco and Guillermo, who did not come to class yesterday, explained their absence to the instructor.
d. The students who did not come to class yesterday explained their absence to the teacher.
e. The geologist who lectured at Browning Hall last night predicted another earthquake. 6. Dr. Fields, who lectured at Browning Hall last night, predicted another earthquake. 7. The rice which we had for dinner last night was very good. 8. Rice, which is grown in many countries, is a staple food throughout much of the world. 9. I have good memories of my hometown, which is situated in the mountains. 10. I live in a town which is situated in the mountains. 11. The Mississippi River, which flows south from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, is the major commercial river in the United States. 12. A river which is polluted is not safe for swimming. 13. The man whom I spoke to was wearing a black hat. 14. The man, who must have been in his forties, really scared me. 15. We enjoyed Mexico City, where we spent our vacation

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