03.02.2021 • 

Using information from the book "The Sun Also Rises" answer these questions. What can you gather between Brett and Jake’s past? What can you gather of Jake's injury? Why is it "funny"? What are your impressions of Jake as a character and as a narrator in this chapter? Cohn likes Brett. What is Jake’s reaction? How did Brett and Jake meet? What do you think of Robert Cohn? What insights do you have knowing Chapter 1 was entirely focused on him? How is Jake and Robert’s relationship changing? Who is Mike Campbell? Harvey says Robert is a case of “arrested development.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Treat Jake like you treated Krebs. What is expected of him now that he knows Cohn likes Brett? What is he internalizing? Marriage is a motif in The Sun Also Rises. However, it’s not in the traditional sense. How has marriage been presented so far? For example, What’s up with Frances and Robert? What’s your impression of Frances thus far? Jake asks himself, “Why did [Robert] sit there Why did he keep on taking it like that?” Why do you think Robert took that emasculating speech from Frances? What’s your understanding of Jake’s focus on Robert’s misfortunes and biased narration? How is this book a representation of “The Lost Generation?” Be specific with characters. How would you describe the main conflict of the novel? Be specific with characters and their situation. What are your predictions for the novel as we continue to read it? Be specific?

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