23.06.2019 • 

Using the information found in this passage, write three sentences. one sentence should paraphrase the passage, one sentence should quote the passage directly, and one sentence should simply summarize the passage. from the following source on page 98: howard, donald. norwegian myths and legends. san francisco: little brown, 1995. print. "in norway legends, trolls are clearly trouble to all human beings they encounter, but that does not mean that the trolls are necessarily evil. they might be more properly characterized as mischievous. norwegian parents to this day might joke with a particular naughty child that "you have a little bit of troll inside you," indicating that while trolls may cause problems, they aren't horrific, terrifying monsters. you might even go so far as to claim that some norwegians have a fondness for trolls--or at least the idea of them."it’s for a benchmark test, so i don’t really care what it’s like.

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