25.06.2019 • 

Watched the ospreys hovering over the lake behind the house. hungry and desperate, they circled the lake for what seemed like an eternity, anxiously searching for the meal that might let them live another day. when a fish swimming too close to the water was spotted, they'd pause in the air as if suspended and then dive quickly into the water, gratefully retrieving their much-needed meal. which best describes the author's feelings about the birds? she admires them and sees them as powerful and agile. she dislikes them and sees them as predatory and heartless. she dismisses them and sees them as irrelevant and unimportant. she pities them and sees them as animals struggling to survive. i watched the ospreys swoop down gracefully into the lake behind the house. one by one, they would first hover as if magically suspended over the water and then drop into a dive with remarkable speed and accuracy. not a moment later, they'd break through the surface of the water with a fish, a reward for their patience and precision. which words reveal how the author feels about the birds? gracefully, magically lake, water swoop, hover watched, behind

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