26.01.2021 • 

Web-based streaming video allows consumers to choose from a broad variety of programming available for anyone with Internet access. As the range of programming available through the web becomes increasingly diverse, now spanning from movies to live sporting events, some consumers are moving away from traditional cable television providers. This has spurred predictions that cable providers will soon become a thing of the past because consumers will be able to find and stream everything via the Internet. Given the changing technology in how we consume video programming, it is important to explore the significance of this transformation. Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the rise of web- based streaming video. Perspective One - Traditional cable, satellite, and broadcast providers of television services are at the brink of extinction. Within the next decade, streaming video services and a-la-carte television providers will completely replace the antiquated television paradigm of today. Perspective Two - Streaming video, while useful and popular, will never fully replace broadcast television. There will always be demand - and thus a place - for cable and satellite providers. Perspective Three - Because of web-based streaming video providers, providers of cable and satellite television are going to drastically change their business model in the coming years. They will move toward more flexible subscription options and incorporate streaming video into their offerings.

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