01.04.2022 • 

What causes Santiago to become distracted and lose sight of the young man who is holding his money? Question 1 options:

He sees a beautiful woman.

He thinks he hears someone calling his name.

He sees a beautiful sword for sale in a vendor's stall.

He thinks he sees the old king in the crowd.

Question 2 (1 point)
What does Santiago realize after helping the candy seller put up a stall in the plaza?

Question 2 options:

Although they speak different languages, they are able to understand one another.

The candy seller stole his money when he was working.

The boy who stole his money is the candy seller's son.

He realizes that he wants to become a seller in the African bazaar.

Question 3 (1 point)
After the owner of the crystal shop tells Santiago how expensive it is to get to Egypt, what does Santiago say he wants money for?

Question 3 options:

He wants to set up his own stall at the bazaar.

He wants to return home to his family.

He wants to buy a camel to take him to Egypt.

He wants to buy some sheep.

Question 4 (1 point)
After working there for one month, what does Santiago suggest that the crystal merchant allow him to do in order to attract more business?

Question 4 options:

He asks the merchant to allow him to place an ad in the local papers.

He asks the merchant to let him paint a large billboard on the main road.

He asks the merchant to let him build a display case for outside the shop.

He asks the merchant to allow him to open a stall in the bazaar.

Question 5 (1 point)
What reason does the merchant give Santiago about why he would not go to Mecca now?

Question 5 options:

He cannot find anyone to take care of his shop while he is gone.

He says the dream of Mecca is what sustains him; without it, his life has no purpose.

He still does not have enough money.

His father is dying, and he must be with him.

Question 6 (1 point)
What idea does Santiago have to bring more customers into the crystal shop after working there for two months?

Question 6 options:

He wants to have a sale on crystal.

He wants to build a large display case for the crystal.

He wants to sell tea in crystal glasses.

He wants to import foreign crystal.

Question 7 (1 point)
Why does the merchant claim to feel worse than he did before Santiago arrived to work for him?

Question 7 options:

The merchant's daughter has fallen in love with the boy; he disapproves of it.

The boy is a better seller than the crystal merchant.

The boy has helped improve business, but the merchant doesn't want the extra work.

The boy has shown him how he could accomplish things, but he hates change.

Question 8 (1 point)
When Santiago tells the merchant that he is going to be leaving to return to his country to buy sheep, he asks for the merchant's blessing. What does the merchant say about Santiago's journey home?

Question 8 options:

He wishes Santiago well in his life.

He tells Santiago that just as he will never go to Mecca, the boy will not be buying sheep.

He begs Santiago not to go because his business is doing so well now.

He tells Santiago that his daughter may accompany him to Spain as his wife.

Question 9 (1 point)
What two items put Santiago back on his journey toward the treasure?

Question 9 options:

Tea & crystal

Koran & Mecca

Candy & wealth

Urim & Thummim

Question 10 (1 point)
Where does Santiago decide to go once he leaves the merchant's home?

Question 10 options:

He wishes to find the boy who robbed him and thank him for forcing him to take better care of himself.

He decides to go to Salem to find the old king.

He goes on a ship to Spain.

He joins a caravan heading towards Egypt.

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