23.03.2021 • 

What do you guys think about my rymes Do you seriously think that?

You could supersede?

The rhyming skills you have

Can never exceed.

My skill, it stands.

But it's out of your hands.

Want a poetry contest?

"Please first acquire lands."

You don't have many words.

Just gather resources.

Else you'll get crushed.

By the incoming forces

Do you think you'll burn

My land with simple torches?

No, I know that your land.

Will be the one that scorches.

Please improve your database

Rhyme outside of time and space

Just make rhymes that make some sense.

If you'd like to participate

I'm not trying to harm you.

In feelings - I just want to

Have someone challenge me!

In the war of poetry!

Or if you don't...

You don't need to participate.

Why did I even do this?

Welp, Never's worse than late! ®™

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