13.01.2021 • 

What do you think about my essay? What are some ways that I could improve it? Here's the question + essay: Q: Ancient civilizations including the Mesopotamian empires of Sumer and Babylon, Egypt, and India have all influenced the modern Western world. Which of these ancient civilizations has had the greatest impact on the Western world? Write an essay that argues your viewpoint on this topic. Support your claim with reasons and evidence.

A: All civilizations made a mark on the world as we know it, but only a few made a huge influence to the western world. Those civilizations are the Mesopotamian empires of Sumer and Babylon, Egypt, and India. India impacted the western world more than any others.

India influenced the western world with their ways of life. Indian music became popular in the west. Folk music was popular in the west, which came from India. Indian food also popularized the western world. The western world has many of India's foods such as butter chicken. India also gave the western world religions. The Hindu religion is originally from India.

In conclusion, out of the Mesopotamian empires of Sumer and Babylon, Egypt, and India, India influenced the western world most out of all of them. Many great things came from all of these places but India gave more.

PS: Q = Question, A = Essay/my answer

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