05.08.2021 • 

What do you think the author is trying to say in the poem? (below). what emotions does the poem give off? was there any change in the authors words at the end? who do you think the author might be writing about? (you don't actually need to answer those questions. just tell me what you think of the poem lol)

Sometimes I don't show the pain but it still hurts

Sometimes I hold back my tears hoping you can't see what's inside

But sometimes they come flooding out, which makes things worse

Don't tell me it's okay

If you're just gonna leave

Just leave me alone

And let me grieve

I don't want this feeling to pass

Knowing that you left me alone

It slowly tears me apart

Down to the bone

I don't want to hear your sorry's

I don't want to hear your goodbye

I want you to just wake away not saying a word

Maybe that'll make it easier for me not to cry

Don't ask me how I am after a few months

It will only remind me of the memories that haunt me

Why can you just understand

All I wanted was for you to be happy

Silent goodbye's, silent cries

I cared about you and all you did was deceive


why did you have to leave?

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