26.07.2019 • 

What effect does imagery have on the meaning of "here is new york" by e.b. white? and whether it is a farmer arriving from italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the corn belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference… by describing those who come to new york with nothing but dreams, the writer criticizes the foolishness of youth. the imagery promotes division and explains why the author has divided new yorkers into three specific categories. the vivid imagery describes the vitality of the city and the passion that unifies those who make new york their home. the description of the city’s poorest neighborhoods expresses the writer’s viewpoint that new york is a difficult place to move to.

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