30.10.2020 • 

What is most closely the central idea of the passage below from the Point essay (paragraphs 7–8)? Shrewd employers refuse to tie every workplace achievement to an extrinsic reward. It would be expensive, and it might result in employees’ ceasing to work hard unless they anticipate some kind of remuneration. Instead, employers should emphasize the kinds of intrinsic motivation that make workers want to be productive.

Some businesses offer flexibility of scheduling and more autonomy, so that workers feel empowered to make choices and decisions. Some workplaces offer professional development that gives workers a feeling of accomplishment and appeals to their joy in learning. Others ensure that all staff are cognizant of the business’s goals and how each worker fits into the realization of those goals. Allowing opportunities for collaboration and interaction with others can appeal to workers’ stimulation-based motivation.
Answer choices for the above question

A. There isn’t really any difference between tangible and intangible rewards, they all produce the same effect.

B. Stimulation-based motivation is the most effective form of intrinsic motivation.

C. When companies let their workers create their own schedule, they are happier and more likely to perform well.

D. Companies are wise to implement practices that support their employees sense of intrinsic motivation.

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