20.04.2020 • 

What is the objective(without using explaining, convincing, or teaching)?

“Do you know what the Dewey Decimal system is? I learned about it in school. Well, you know those numbers on the sides of books in libraries? 392.1. 402.35. 785.01. Those? That’s the Dewey Decimal system. It’s a way of organizing the books. A huge set of drawers with little note cards with each title and author and publishing date all meticulously typed out. Wanna learn about Black Holes? That’s in the 500s. William Shakespeare? 800s. Unless it’s a book about the era Shakespeare lived in, then it’s the 900s. It’s so great, because every idea, every thought, can be boiled down to these little numbers on these little cards. I loved the thought that I could just open any drawer, not even knowing what section it was, I could just look at the number and know what things would be in those books. So structured. So organized. So beautiful. I loved just thumbing through the cards. So much effort put into these cards, just to help people discover new things, new ideas... And then the internet came. The numbers are still there, but overnight all of these cards just became... obsolete. I can’t tell you how sad that makes me feel.”

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