15.04.2021 • 

What's up, guys? So, I have to send an email to ya'll about making sure you use apprpreeate hand-washing methids. Since were all trying to stay safe and healthy in this office. There are lots of reasons why u need to wash your hands. First off, wash after you go to the bathroom because that would be really gross and nasty for people to go to the bathroom and then forget to wash their hands which will spread all kinds of germs and might make some people sick, you know? Next, you probably need to wash your hands after eating lunch or even snacks, or really any time that you might touch your face or mouth or nose and then touch a door handle or shake someone's hand or give someone a high five. That's a big one when it comes to spreading germs. For future reference, please don't spread your germs and wash your hands. Thanks for listening to my email. Have a good day and remember to wash your hands Geri Refer to the links below to help answer the discussion prompts. Avoid Writing Irritating Emails How to Write a Professional Email Step 2: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below: Respond to the following prompts in your initial post. 1. Explain why this email is or is not appropriate for its audience. 2. Discuss two (2) sentence error edits that you would recommend for Geri to correct in her email. 3. Outline two (2) recommendations from the provided links that you could suggest as edits to your co-worker to make her email sound more professional. Due Sunday at 11:59 pm EST.​

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