13.02.2021 • 

What statement could the author add to persuade readers? A.
Between five and ten million women and girls in the United States struggle with eating disorders.
Most men who have eating disorders hide it from the people close to them.
It's easier for men to lose weight than it is for women to lose weight.
If most people exercised just 20 minutes a day, they could become healthier.

Thin is in. More often than not, that's what most magazines would have people believe. Whether it's models, movie stars, or singers, celebrities seem to be shrinking. They would have people believe that most well-known celebrities who are famous have one thing in common: they are thin. While this may be true, it doesn't make it right. It also causes a bigger problem. Many people, young women in particular, see this. They buy into the idea. They think that in order to do well, they too must be thin.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with being naturally thin. It only becomes a problem when people put themselves in danger. It's when people to try and copy a thin look that it is harmful. It's one of the reasons why so many people deal with anorexia and bulimia. The media shows people who are thin. Pageant winners, models, movie stars are all thin. Those who aren't thin are barely seen by the public.

People will say that it's not the media's fault. They will say it's the magazines, movies, and television shows. They are only giving people what they want. They will say that they are only showing what people want to be. They say it's what shows real beauty. The truth is this: the average American woman is 5'4" tall. The average woman also weighs 140 pounds. The average American model is 5'11" tall. The average model weighs 117 pounds. How can models really stand for what most women look like?

I have a solution. Don't buy into the magazines, movies, and television shows. And don't buy them period. Don't buy magazines that show models that look like they are starving. Stop paying for movies that make you feel like you have to starve yourself sick to look good. Tell movie makers, magazines, and television shows to get serious. Force them to show the real American ideal of beauty-that everyone is different. Not everyone who is beautiful is thin. Not everyone who is thin is beautiful.

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