28.01.2020 • 

Which best describes how the author used irony to create meaning in "the convict and the bishop"?

a. the bishop refuses to listen to anyone else and allows valjean to stay in his home. this is ironic because, while everyone else knows what to expect, the bishop remains ignorant. the bishop's ignorance enables valjean to steal from him and sets up the conflict

b. despite the injustices valjean experiences at the hand of the villager's he proves their prejudice right by stealing from the bishop. this event is ironic because it is not expected. it illustrates the internal conflict within valjean and his struggle to be a good man and escape his past

c. after experiencing injustice in the prison, valjean continues to experience injustice in society. this illustration that injustice us widespread. this is ironic because it references the theme.

d. the bishop opens his doors to valjean , knowing that valjean will most likely steal from him. this is ironic because the bishop knows what will happen but does it anyways

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