25.03.2021 • 

Which of the following are the characteristics of a research paper? Question 5 options: Purpose is to convince or persuade; A clear, arguable thesis is presented; Data, statistics, reasons and evidence are used to support the argument; The writer analyzes and interprets the information to support the thesis; The writer synthesizes information to draw unique conclusions or develop original perspectives. Data, statistics, reasons and evidence are used to support the argument; The writer analyzes and interprets the information to support the thesis; The writer synthesizes information to draw unique conclusions or develop original perspectives. Purpose is to convince or persuade; A clear, arguable thesis is presented; Data, statistics, reasons and evidence are used to support the argument; The writer analyzes and interprets the information to support the thesis. Purpose is to convince or persuade; A clear, arguable thesis is presented; The writer synthesizes information to draw unique conclusions or develop original perspectives.

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