18.07.2020 • 

Which passage from Chapters 4–5 of Don Quixote uses sarcasm? 1 At first Sancho was confused by this interference with his appetite, but presently he grew bold and protested; whereupon the physician said that his mission was to overlook the governor’s health. 2 Thus rebuked, Sancho endeavored to move, but fell flat on the earth like a great tortoise; while in the darkness the others made a clash with their swords and shields, and trampled upon the prone governor. … 3 Making pretense that a certain town on his estate, named Barataria, was an island, the duke dispatched Sancho to govern it. … After a magnificent entry into the city, Sancho Panza was called upon to give judgment in certain teasing disputes, and this he did with such wit and such wholesome commonsense that he delighted all who heard him. 4 At that moment there came a messenger from the duke, sweating, and with concern in his looks, who pulled a packet from his bosom and presented it to the governor. This message from the duke was to warn Sancho that a furious enemy intended to attack his island, and that he must be on his guard.

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