27.11.2019 • 

which point of view is used in this excerpt from “the adventures of aladdin” by the brothers grimm?

"too bad for you," snapped the stranger, slamming down the manhole cover, never noticing that, as he did so, a ring slid off his finger. a terrified aladdin was left in pitch darkness, wondering what the wizard would do next. then he trod on the ring. aimlessly putting it on his finger, he twisted it round and round. suddenly the room was flooded with a rosy light and a great genie with clasped hands appeared on a cloud.

"at your command, sire," said the genie.

now astounded, aladdin could only stammer:

"i want to go home! " in a flash he was back in his own home, though the door was tightly shut.

first-person point of view
second-person point of view
third-person limited point of view
third-person omniscient point of view

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