22.11.2019 • 

Which sentence best shows that striving toward personal fulfillment is an ongoing process?
maslow's hierarchy of needs
maslow's hierarchy of needs states that people have a range of needs that are like the rungs of a ladder. these needs range from basic
requirements, such as food and shelter, to higher level needs, such as a sense of belonging. to reach the highest level of needs on the ladder, a
person must first fulfill the needs below them. the highest level of need is self-actualization, or wishing to achieve one's full potential. this need
is different from the other levels in a crucial way. all the lower levels are needs that must be satisfied; but once they are satisfied, we no longer
think about them. if we feel well fed, safe, appreciated, and confident, we don't think about those needs anymore. but on the complex level of
self-actualization, a person continues to feel this need even after achieving it. this need drives us to be the most complete people we can be-
to be the best that we can be
1. hierarchy, a classification or grouping of people or things arranged in order of importance

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