23.06.2019 • 

Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that depression can be difficult to recognize in teenagers? teenage depression teenagers are certainly stereotyped as being moody. sometimes, though, bad moods and sadness can become the norm for a teenager. with the rise in mental health awareness, one would think that most teens are getting the they need. unfortunately, only one in five teens suffering from depression receives professional . parents, teachers, friends, and teens themselves need to be better educated about depression. when left untreated, teens suffering from depression may turn to alcohol, drugs, violence, or even suicide. at the very least, people need to be aware of the signs of depression. if a teen becomes especially sad, angry, or tired, he or she may have depression. changes in eating and sleeping patterns, loss of interest in regular activities, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness are also common. the key is observing how long these symptoms last—losing one's appetite for a couple of days may simply be due to a temporary disappointment. if any of these warning signs of depression have been going on for several months, though, it is crucial to seek professional . adult depression is not the same as teen depression. teens are more likely to be angry, not sad. teens often have more physical ailments, such as headaches. they are usually more sensitive to criticism and are also less inclined to isolate themselves completely. teens suffering from depression may socialize with fewer people or may start hanging out with different friends. depression should be talked about frankly in schools. parents should also talk with their teens about depression. if teens do not know what to look for, then it may be hard for them to know something is wrong with friends or with themselves.

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