14.04.2020 • 

Which sentence in the passage should be revised for wordiness
Have you ever wondered what's in your water? At first glance, you may think there is nothing it's just water But for many people in cities and
towns across America, the water is fluoridated, Fluoridation is the process in which fluoride is added to water supplies to help people fight tooth
decay. Fluoride has a positive and healthy effect on teeth It makes teeth stronger, tougher, harder, and much less likely to ever develop cavities
or et excess plaque buildup
Fluorides are compounds that contain the mineral fluorite. They are found in the earth. Almost all water naturally contains some level of
fluoride, even if it is a small amount. However, some areas have water supplies that have naturally higher levels of fluoride, Scientists in the
1920s found that people who drank water with more fluoride had fewer cavities
Today, more than half of the tap water used in the United States is fluoridated. The decision to fluoridate is left up to individual cities. When
community decides whether to fluoridate the water supply, the topic can become controversial. Some people calm there is a link between
fluoride and health problems. But others argue there is not enough evidence to support this daim

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