20.09.2019 • 

Which statement best describes how the change in narrative perspective in paragraph 3 affects the story?
it reveals the speaker's knowledge of charlie and estelle.
it describes charlie's and estelle's relationship.
it shows that the party is a success. it reinforces the secret of estelle's outfit.
(story below)
estelle remembered clearly the occasion when she met her charlie, even though after 50 years, other details were starting to get a little fuzzy. she had gone to a summer dance with her friends, with no expectation of anything other than a pleasant way to pass the evening. the creamy white lace shift she wore made her skin glow, and she knew she looked her best. she was at the refreshment table when the newcomer walked in by himself. tall and well put together, with the indefinable grace of an athlete, he was a sight any woman would appreciate. estelle realized she was staring and was about to avert her gaze when he turned his head and their eyes locked. in that moment, she knew that her life had changed forever.
charlie gazed fondly at his wife of 50 years. she was still the glowing, gorgeous woman he had locked eyes with across a crowded dance floor all those years ago. no one else knew, but the dress she was wearing tonight was the very same dress she had worn that evening. even charlie hadn’t known that she had saved it all these years; she had hustled him out of their room, wanting to “get ready in peace.” she said it with a twinkle in her eye that charlie knew meant she had something planned. when she made her grand entrance, their assembled children and grandchildren all exclaimed how beautiful she looked, but charlie was struck speechless, just as he had been in 1965; just as she had known he would be again. it was her anniversary gift to him, and he appreciated the absolute certainty she had in their relationship that had led her to keep that dress for this occasion.
i got a little teary-eyed watching my parents as they slow-danced, entwined like a pair of teenagers, completely lost in the moment. my father looked so dapper in a three-piece suit—he had even started out the evening with a sharp fedora. my mother was stunning in a vintage gown she must have found online somewhere—she had even managed to locate matching shoes and a matching handbag. i knew life hadn’t always been easy for them, but they had always been sustained by their love for each other, a love that had only grown over time.

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