03.05.2021 • 

Which statement best valuates the effect of adding dialogue in the second version of the possa?
Passage 1
Waking slowly around the living room glanced behind the curtains
and then playfully pocked under each couch cushion I kept my
laughter to myself when a giogle escaped from behind the couch. Then
I woked behind the couch Thailed to be found, Jaxon ran stright to
Ready or not, here I come Walking slowly around the living room,
lanced behind the curtains and the full poked under each
couch cushion Wow. Jeron is such a good ideal never find him
sad loud, trying to keep my laughter to myself A gogle escaped
from behind the couch 'wonder if he could be ding behind the
couch with that I walked behind the couch and exclaimed. There you
rer Thrilled to be found Jason jumped up and ran straight to my
You find me he sale in delight
At makes the story feel more play
makes the story seem to deleted
I makes the nation's character som mature

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