23.09.2020 • 

Which statement is a central idea in chapter 6 of narrotve of the life of fredrick Douglass? Enslaved people struggle to see kindness in their slaveholders. The culture of slavery is not the same everywhere. Education is often provided to the slaves by the woman of the house. If enslaved people follow orders without question they are treated well. Part B Which TWO statements from the text best support the answer to part A?
Few are willling to incur the odium attaching to the reputation of being a cruel master; and above all things, they would not be known as not giving a slave enough food.
It is a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things , with which my youthful understanding has struggled but struggled in vain.
And of all the

Which statement is a central idea in chapter 6 of narrotve of the life of fredrick Douglass? Enslav

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