18.04.2020 • 

Which statement is the strongest rebuttal to the
Read the claim and counterclaim.
Claim The suffragette-defaced penny is the most
historically significant artifact because it signifies a turning
point in the fight for British women's right to vote.
Counterclaim: Thirty-three years before the defaced penny
was even created, the first Women's Suffrage Bill for
Parliament had already been introduced with some
success and was the true turning point in the fight
However, suffragettes continued to wage their fight
through the use of hunger strikes, letter bombings,
posters, and disruptions with courts of law.
Therefore, it was this bill that signaled how powerful the
fight for women's suffrage had become in Britain during
this time
However, it was the criminal act of defacing the king's
face on a royal coin that sent an undeniably powerful
and shocking message to British society.
Therefore, it was the suffragette-defaced penny that
signified the true turning point in the fight for British
women's right to vote.
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